Copyright registration is also provided legal protection, under The Copyright Act, 1957 as amended till date to "original works" of authors, writers, artists, music composers etc. Copyright owners can prevent others from reproducing or communicating their work without their permission or may sell these rights to someone else. Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, styles or techniques. Why is copyright important? • First, and foremost it is your legal right to protect your work • It can make you money. Under copyright laws you are able to allow others to use your works for a fee, or you can sell your copyright to others for a larger fee, by using a copyright license. • Copyrights can last up to Sixty years after the death of the original copyright owner (this number however can vary in other countries). It is important to note, that copyrights can be passed down to a family member Visit Us: http://www.unimarkslegal.com/portfolio/copyrights-registration-chennai-bangalore-consultant/ Contact Number: +91-8939952266