CA COLLEGE IN KERALA organizes placement drive in many of the reputed CA COLLEGE IN KERALA and in outskirts and also conduct employability fair. CA COLLEGE IN KERALA is the best CPT & IPCC coaching center in Kochi, Kerala... There is only one Institute in India to register for CA. The cost of doing CA is low while compared to all professional courses in India which is at par in status. Now you can join CA coaching course while you are pursuing plus two11th and 12th at CA COLLEGE IN KERALA. You can register for CPT along with your school studies which will also give your child has a career focus CA COLLEGE IN KERALA. This is the one of the best CA COLLEGES IN KERALA. Therefore let’s give a new impetus in ramping up the number of chartered accountants in India and let CA COLLEGE IN KERALA be the beacon of direction for making abinitio CA – following the three point mantra “hard work, hard work and hard work”.