ShowMyHall helps you to find various event venues in the city of Bangalore. We assist you to find luxurious Banquet halls in Bangalore to celebrate the event without any hassle. We guide you to get the best deals of venues and plan the function accordingly. Make the event special by choosing services through our portal. We hope that you can save more by choosing our registered Bangalore Banquet halls. Start by entering the details of call you want and find the list of Banquet halls that are relevant to your requirement. We cater the needs of people who are looking for Banquet halls in Bangalore by providing excellent support all the time. http://www.showmyhall.com/c/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/halls/restaurant-banquet-halls 147/10, 4th Floor,Krishna Mansion 9th Cross, JP Nagar 1st Phase Bangalore - 560078. Ph - 080 42100955