AMCC conducts various courses in the field of Complimentary, Ayurveda, Holistic, Herbal Therapy, Paramedical sciences under various system of Alternative Medicines through its hundreds of affiliated Colleges/Institutes world wide under distance as well as regular mode of educational systems. Head office : 34 No. Krishnanagar Road, Barasat, Helabattala, Kolkata-700125,West Bengal, India Ph : (033) 2542 5572 Fax : (033) 2542 4072 Mobile : 9239048812 Email 1: amcc@vsnl.net Email 2: info@amccindia.com Email 3: ramesh.altmedcal.baidya933@gmail.com Website: www.amccindia.com Website: www.altmedonline.com Office Hour : 10 am to 6 pm (Sunday Closed)