Weight is sometimes as hard as losing it. Hashmi Herbal came up with weight gain pills Vetoll XI to address this section of people who fight the lack of body mass development. Under weight people often look weak and often over-eat trying to gain weight but with no results. These capsules tackle the issue at the bud like decrease stress level, eliminate lack of sleep, poor nutrition, exposure to pollutants and lack of exercise. Hashmi Herbal gain weight naturally Vetoll XI also work efficiently in strengthening the immune system and make body glow with health. It contains a good combination of herbs and natural ingredients that will help you gain weight without eating unhealthy, fatty and oily food that can later cause other health problems. Benefits of Hashmi Vetoll-XL: Helps to gain weight naturally. Strengthen bones and improves immunity Manages high stress levels Improves overall health of an individual Helps in increasing appetite of a person and improves his digestion